2008 is shaping up to be the year of change and growth. I have foregone my usual bulleted lists of New Year's resolutions (goals, really) for a more organic, balanced mission this year: to seek out new opportunities, follow my passion, and balance my life.
(Side note: pretty vague, so the Type-A in me still has a bulleted to-do list. Damn, I tried.)

I am excited about this new chapter. I've been needing a change for some time as well as flexibility for my writing and acting passions and this provides an outlet for both. You often hear of this wall that people hit some time in their 30's (cough, cough) where they start to value the work they do and the life they lead more than the title and paycheck. I would have scoffed at this notion a few years ago; now, I get it. I found myself running the Rat Race, doggedly gazing only ahead when out of the periphery, I caught sight of all the other intense faces and wondering how the hell I got here. So I dropped back, quietly veered off course to the next Gatorade stop and now I'm calling the shots.
At least until the next opportunity presents itself. Never say never. I used to beat myself up for having so many interests and taking so many paths. Now I revel in it. For Christmas, I picked up the children's book "Frederick" by Leo Leonni for my nephew. Upon reading the author's bio on the book jacket, this author born in 1910 and who passed away in 1999, was by turns an artist, architectural critic, photographer, businessman, art director, and children's book author. Love it! Sounds to me like he was a well-rounded human being, rather than a job hopper. At the end of the day, who are you trying to please? You still have to go to bed at night alone with yourself and your thoughts - you live in no one else's shoes and they don't live in yours.
Leo was once quoted as saying, "I have the feeling that if you are very thorough and put love and care into a thing it will come out well somehow." You go, Leo.
My hope for all of you this year is that you do what you enjoy and can make a living doing it, or you at least make a living that enables you to do what you enjoy.
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