
Rant Rattle and Roll: Global (not) Warming

Seattle apparently is experiencing its worst "coming out of winter" weather in years. So I'm told. It's been raining, it's been cold, and this past weekend, we actually had hail. HAIL.

This, after the tease of 70 degree weather the Saturday before. Gather ye rosebuds while ye may or they might freeze on the bush tomorrow.

Before I lived here, I visited here. Many times. And it can be utterly gorgeous in this city when the sun deems us worthy to shine upon. But no, our first winter/spring living here and it blows.

Well, Mother Nature is kicking my ass and I'm not gonna take it anymore. Last week, I got a pedicure, closed toe shoes be damned. And this weekend I wore a tank top. That's right, I said it. It's hailing outside and I wore a tank top (well, and a coat of course, but that's beside the point). The point is, I have rows of open-toed strappy sandals and sassy platforms dying of neglect. Bitter and confused, they stare at me from the dark depths of my closet like ex-lovers wantonly discarded for something better. "But didn't we have such a great time at that new restaurant in the Mission? Didn't you feel proud when someone complimented you because of us camel-colored 60's hoochie mama sandals at the cast party last fall? What have we done to deserve this? We give and give....." And little do they know I am so over wearing boots.

Spring will be here soon - the sun is out today and most likely, it will be a gorgeous weekend since we'll be elsewhere. But soon, soon, the clouds will part and the sunny Seattle I know exists will shine down on us once again. So just hang in there, lovely stilletos. Mama's coming......


GetSmartGal said...

I love your blog it has great content that is sprinkled with just the right amount of humor. I lived in Washington for three years and you are so right when it is beautiful it is really beautiful. However, that only lasts maybe three months which felt like a cruel little tease to me. I had to move down to Southern California to get my vitamin D fix, I haven't had to wear closed toe shoes in years. I am with you though, set your own rules, maybe by sheer will power you will change that weather!!

Red Slice said...

Thanks Bridget! Yes, weather and adaptibility are often mind over matter. Funny - some of the more cynical types say "It rains all the time in Seattle"; the more optimistic ones say "Oh, it's not that bad at all!" All depends on perspective.