I'm in my mid 30's now, so instead of being offended, I think I'm just going to embrace it.
In that spirit, I present a new little snippet on the Red Slice blog: Rant, Rattle and Roll. It's my way of offering a light sample of the "woe is me", put upon vibe my poor husband endures (and luckily, laughs at) on a daily basis. These episodes are often extinguished rather rapidly when I turn on the World News and realize my life is pretty damn good and I should shut up and count my blessings. Still, ya gotta admit: it IS fun to rant a little.
Today's rant: People who can't figure out 4-way stop signs.
I seem to recall this being a very important lesson when I took Driver's Ed. Whoever is at the stop sign goes first. If two of you get there at the exact same moment, you yield to the driver on the right. Simple. Done. Boom, Right?
Wrong. Put aside the "But what if all FOUR people get to the sign at the same time?" Slow down, Sparky: A) that ain't ever gonna happen and B) let's get the 2-car yielding down right first before we tackle the next level, shall we?
Did they take this question off the test? Is this a rule that was suddenly abolished during the dot.com boom? Why can't people get it right?!?! And I've got news for you, especially Mr. Schlobbo in the Hyundai in Queen Anne the other day: it's who gets to the sign first, not the fact that you were behind the first turning car before I got to my corner. You don't get to go right behind the guy in front of you just because he took so long. Sheesh. I bet you don't use turn signals either, but that's for another bedtime story.
Rant accomplished. Ok, now back to more important things like life, liberty and vodka tonics.
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